Category: Generally

Acceleration Programme for Health Tech and Wellness start-ups


NN Hellas and Orange Grove are joining forces to support entrepreneurship in the fields of Health Technology, Prevention and Wellness, in a programme that is taking place for the first time in Greece.

Are you a team or a new start-up, committed to your goals, ready to take off and grow in the international market? If so, submit your application today to have the opportunity to receive the best business & technical support, both nationally and internationally, from experts in the relevant field, through a 3-month acceleration program!

The program:

The teams or start-ups selected for the Health, Prevention and Wellness Technology Programme will be offered the unique opportunity to:

  1. They receive intensive training and support from the start-up development experts in the Netherlands. The services are provided with the support of IdeaHackers, Orange Grove, NN Hellas & NN Group.
  2. Work to confirm the potential of their idea.
  3. To be introduced to new networks within the programme through the Dutch Embassy, NN Hellas & NN Group, IdeaHackers and the already established start-up ecosystem of Orange Grove.
  4. They work closely with NN Hellas during the project. NN Hellas aims to support innovation and new technologies.

The programme is offered free of charge to the selected teams or start-ups. If you are a group or start-up active in the above sectors and you need to be known to the world, please fill in the application form.

Who is it about?

NN Hellas & Orange Grove support teams or start-ups that provide solutions aimed at improving health, prevention and wellness for all.

NN Hellas & Orange Grove will select the best, innovative ideas with the greatest positive impact. Teams or start-ups will be selected on the basis of their team composition, the viability of their idea and their level of innovation. The selected teams will be provided with a full programme of guided training with the support of IdeaHackers.

More details can be found on the relevant website!

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